
Calvin works part time as a model and foodie.

Calvin works part time as a model and foodie.

Let me guess? The cat said she’s the best and the favorite in the family? Insert eye roll here. As the first fuzzy member of this household AND oldest, I can assure you I am the absolute favorite. My mom is the BEST and I like to spend as many days and nights napping with her and my favorite toy, ducky. I like dinosaurs, going anywhere with mom, a pool on a hot summer day, and food (all food, any food, anything I think is food. I just really like food, ok). I learned most of what I know from my brother in heaven, Otis. I miss him a lot, so mom found me a couple sisters AND a dad. I’m only sold on one of the three; I will let you guess which one. According to mom “everyone has to work for a living,” so I earn my bones by being a socialization expert. I love interacting with dogs of all sizes and am great with guiding puppies in the right direction with dos and don’ts. This employee of the year gig… does it come with snacks?